I was sent a link to Chimera's Blog about "TOU" for using the PSP graphics that I find across the Internet. It got me thinking about what is right and wrong. When I started learning PSP I found it's a wonderful way to spend a few hours being creative and using my poor little pea brain. I'm getting a little older now and I'm of the opinion that if I don't keep my mind functioning that I will be at risk for terminal dumbness. I am a little dumb now, but terminal dumbness isn't something I care to experience. And the creative part is awesome. I don't have an artistic bone in my body, but when I PSP - I become my own little Rembrandt to my family.
So I PSP. The first thing I do after grabbing my first cup of coffee is to boot up the PC. I have learned to love my PC. It's a way to interact with the rest of the world, and I don't even have to shower before noon if I don't want to. Most of the people I interact with are also PSP'ers. And one thing I've learned about these people is that they share everything! I have never found a group a people so willing to offer education, opinions, knowledge or supplies so freely. I think maybe it's because most of us PSP'ers are Mom's and GrandMom's and we are used to sharing everything we have in just that way. It's inbred....
So what should we do about the "Terms of Use"? I have never sold anything I've made so I can't speak to that, but I'm pretty sure I have used things that are originally "Pay to Use"... If I had to pay for everything I snagged, I wouldn't be a PSP'er....
I guess my point is, I will continue to snag graphics I like and if anyone wants to use something I have made - great! I would be tickled to think someone liked what I created. And to those of you charging for your graphics, I'm very sorry if I have used something you made, and if you let me know I will delete it from my PC.
Hugs to all from Michigan.....