Sure has been rainy up here the last few days. I don't think the Sun has peeked out since we got here.
The weather forecast for the 4th of July weekend is calling for low to mid 70's and partly cloudy. Sounds perfect to me but I'm sure all the family members coming up for the long weekend would like it a lot warmer. As I look across the hills, all I can see is fog right now. As long as the rain clears out and they aren't stuck in the barn for five days.... That's the important thing. Lol..
We haven't done much since we got here. It's been very quiet and relaxing. We drove to Petokoskey yesterday just for something to do. I took a few photos of the Beaver Island Ferry coming in from the island. It was pretty overcast so the pics aren't great. But like I say "You can never have to many photo's of the ferry"...
Leslee had her knee replaced on Friday. She is doing OK now but it was a little hard on her. I'm finding out that we aren't as young as we used to be. She will be the rest of the summer trying to get her knee back in shape. Poor thing. I feel for her, but I'm sure once she gets through this tough spot her knee will be so much better. It aint fun when something is hurting all the time. Well that's all for now. Hugs from Up North...