Thursday, November 13, 2008

BarnDwellers Site


Well, it's gone. It's gone just like the other General Motors plants in the area.

First it was "Fisher Body". Next came "Buick City". Shortly after was "Chevy in the Hole". And now, this week was the place my husband and I had our working lives.

"AC Spark Plug" is now just a pile of rubble.

We don't wonder why this country is in such a mess economically. Those of us in the "Rust Belt" know why. About twenty years ago our jobs started being shipped over seas. That was the beginning of the end.

At one time Flint, Michigan was a very prosperous town, with everyone driving a new car and living in a nice little three bedroom bungalow. If you wanted a good paying job, you moved to this area and hired in to one of the "Shops". It didn't much matter which one - because they all paid the same good wage... You could work for Buick, Chevrolet, Fisher Body, or AC Spark Plug, and when you did you had the world by the ass.

Now Flint is the ghetto of the United States.

I used to resent Dr's, business men, and teachers - that didn't buy American made cars. Didn't they realize that they weren't supporting the people that kept them working? Well, I think they know it now that all of our jobs have been sent overseas, and they are getting laid off too... The non-existent tax base in this area is crippling our schools. People don't have the medical insurance so the Drs aren't getting the patients they once did. Restauraunts are folding like a "House of Cards". Even Circuit City is filing Chapter 11.

The US Economy is finally hitting the bottom.

We don't make things here anymore. The middle class is disappearing. All the good paying union jobs that kept a fair wage going for the rest of the country are gone. If you don't have a college education you will be making minimum wage. That in turn just makes the gap between the "haves and the have nots" that much bigger.

What are our kids going to do if they don't go to college? They are going to be poor. Period.

Well, I guess I'm done rambling. I just felt a little down today when I found the video on the news about AC. Sorry.

We are heading north today to close the Barn for the winter. That isn't helping my mood much.

Hugs to all. Stacie


  1. Hey there thanks for using a layout
    Ok you said that you need to adjust the page try going into edit html and center things Let me know how ya go

  2. Hey, I like your blog, it's very nice and very informative. After reading this, it does make your eyes open to why our economy is going down, hopefully we can, as Americans, together, put it back together and get things a little better. You're right, there is no more middle class. It's sad to see how our world is coming to and what our kids are going to have to face, let's just hope that they will see the mistakes we've made and learn from them and get America back to the once Prosperous Country it was. Let's all just pray that we don't see another Depression.


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Married to a wonderful man, four adult children, a sweet daughter in-law, a great son in-law and ten beautiful grandchildren. I have lots of hobbies and enjoy them all. Our youngest son Douglas passed, but his memory is held dear in our hearts forever.

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