Sunday, July 29, 2012

Not much happening at the Brugger household. We are just staying home and taking care of grandpa. He is doing fine - but still having a few bad episodes here and there. Not much we can do to help him except watch his sodium intake. His kidneys are getting progressively worse and the coughing is still going on. The pneumonia really took it's toll.  Jim and I take a few hours here and there to get out of the house but we can't leave for too long. He is very unsteady on his feet and we worry about him falling. He has his emergency button so if something happens while we are gone he is still protected...
   Our grandchildren are doing great, and are all growing like weeds. Alan has really sprouted this last few months, and is now taller than his grandpa. Unfortunately we  don't get to see Baily, Hannah, and Carson nearly enough - but little Emma, Anna, and Kendall are here to play and keep grandma entertained about once a week... I sure enjoy my grandchildren! They are all such a source of joy. 
   Korey is doing great on her diet. She has lost about fifty pounds so far and looks wonderful. Her clothes are getting too big - so she picks up a few things here and there to keep her from looking like a bag lady!
  Well, I guess I will close for now. Hugs from here...

About Me

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Married to a wonderful man, four adult children, a sweet daughter in-law, a great son in-law and ten beautiful grandchildren. I have lots of hobbies and enjoy them all. Our youngest son Douglas passed, but his memory is held dear in our hearts forever.

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