Wednesday, October 28, 2020

What a terrible year this has been... Riots and Covid have wreaked havoc on our way of life this year. We had to hunker down for the months of March, April, May, and June because of this terrible plague we are dealing with. It has taken a terrible toll on our economy and toilet paper supplies. We learned how to use "Shipt" from Meijers and that saved us many trips to the grocery store. The virus seemed to calm down enough over the summer that we felt safe enough to go out for an occasional dinner as long as we used a mask. The poor barn was neglected until late June and closed up early this year because of Dads heart problems. He seems to be getting back on the right track but the damn virus is rearing it's ugly head again because of the colder weather. We can't win this year.
And to top it off we are dealing with a presidential election and nationwide unrest due to Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups. I'm ready to stick my head in the sand until things calm down... Well, all for now. Love to all.

About Me

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Married to a wonderful man, four adult children, a sweet daughter in-law, a great son in-law and ten beautiful grandchildren. I have lots of hobbies and enjoy them all. Our youngest son Douglas passed, but his memory is held dear in our hearts forever.

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